Friday, 6 April 2012

'F' is for 'Friday with Friends'

Today's post is a little late, as we've been winding down after a busy day spent at New Walk Museum in Leicester looking at dinosaurs! Annoyingly, 'D' has already been and gone, as it would have made today's title a little easier! 'Friday with Friends' seemed fitting enough though, as we did go with friends, and a fantastic time was had by all. I was hoping Freya would tell you all about it, but she was flagging by the time we got around to recording her, as she had spent the afternoon wandering around the museum drawing pictures of pretty much all the dinosaurs she saw!

Some pictures of our day....

Freya's drawing of the 'Barrow Kipper'

The 'Barrow Kipper' (Arranged for display by Arthur Cruickshank: I know some reading this blog may be interested in that!)

Little sister Lola


  1. Sounds like such a fun day. I don't blame her for being tired out.
    : )

  2. Aww. Looks like a fun place to visit :)

    Universal Gibberish

  3. Bless her - at least you've found a way to wear her out!
    (interesting note about Enid's hubby and the dinosuar display!)
