Thursday, 14 June 2012

'Z' is for 'Zzzzzzzzz...'

I'm in the unusual position today of having a few minutes of relative peace. Child one is at school, child two is watching a film in her bedroom and child three is asleep! (see pic). So I thought I'd use this time wisely. Options included cleaning, cooking or updating CV.... booooring. I've decided instead that it's about time I finished my A to Z posts. Ha! Take that, housework!
It's been all change in our household over the last few weeks- I decided to take redundancy from the job I've been in for the last nearly thirteen years and my husband has just started a new job. This has come as a bit of a shock for the girls who've become used to having Daddy at home and have now grumpy Mummy to contend with. 
The change is taking a bit of getting used to. I imagined lazy days of playing with the girls in between doing things like sorting the children's scrapbooks and photo albums, clearing out junk, days out in the sunshine and maybe even a bit of writing.
Sadly the reality is a bit different. For reasons I cannot fathom, I appear to have less time to do these things than I had when I was working. The sunshine has been very good at hiding. And, though I love my children dearly, there is no doubt, they are beasts!
Despite the obstacles, I still intend to do all these things, albeit a little bit slower than intended.

Watch this space. 

But only if you want to.

Really, it's not that interesting.

'Nothing to see here.'

1 comment:

  1. Ha! 5 minutes later.... child two has finished watching film and woken up child three. Husband home for lunch. Peace never lasts long around here.
